🌞🌱 ‘Agrivoltaics in the Iberian Peninsula: Innovation for a Sustainable Future’.
Last 22 January, in Badajoz (Spain), a conference organised by the UNEF Unión Española Fotovoltaica and the APREN – Associação Portuguesa de Energias Renováveis took place. The event was held with the aim of bringing citizens closer to the opportunities of agrivoltaics, which combines ecological agriculture with solar energy production.
👩🔬🌾 During the event, representatives of research centres, administrations, universities, companies and associations of the sector from Spain and Portugal participated, sharing knowledge and experiences.
Advances in Photovoltaic Technology (AdPVTech) was present with Dr. Pedro Perez Higueras, who presented ‘Agrivoltaic crops with different PV technologies’, showing some of the results of the lines of work developed by our team in this field.
⚡🌍 Agrivoltaics is innovation, and the path towards a sustainable future. At AdPVTech we continue working to make it possible!
adpvtech solarenergy photovoltaic PV agriculture agrivoltaic APV UNEF APREN