Our research group AdPVTech of the University of Jaén, together with collaborating entities such as onTech, isotrol, atrebo, sol-ution and kaylon presented the project ” Análisis predictivo de infraestructuras de generación de energías renovables basados en algoritmos Bigdata (BIGER)” to the call ” Apoyo a agrupaciones empresariales innovadoras”. It is an initiative funded by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism within the program to support AEIs to contribute to the improvement of the competitiveness of Spanish industry, and with the support of the European Union through the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.
BIGER aims to research and validate the proofs of concept needed to optimize the management of solar generation assets through advanced algorithms capable of exploiting large volumes of information. Relying on economic models that take into account the different alternatives, the system will generate an optimal O&M strategy and will be able to provide the relevant information to the different actors in the value chain: maintenance and repair companies, asset managers, plant operators, ownership, etc.
Focused on photovoltaic and concentrating solar power generation, it may be applicable to other renewable technologies such as wind or mini-hydro.
We will keep you posted on the progress!