UJA Research and Transfer Laboratory Building

This week the new UJA Research and Transfer Laboratories building was inaugurated. Among those attending the ceremony were Dr. Eduardo F. Fernández and Dr. Pedro Perez Higueras.This building has 22 research laboratories, and in one of them, our group will establish a...

Engineering Day

On the occasion of the celebration of the Engineering Day, this week we have made a visit to the students of the Degree in Electronic Engineering of the University of Jaen to the solar energy laboratories of our group. During this visit, the students have been able to...

We are back to face-to-face meetings!

After a long time, we leave the screens aside and meet again in person. In addition to discuss progress, work and other tasks of the group, we have taken the opportunity to officially welcome José Manuel Fernández López, industrial electronics engineer, who joins...
Collaboration with Margarita Salas contract

Collaboration with Margarita Salas contract

Alex Moreno, researcher of the group Sistemas Dinámicos Aplicados en Energía Solar (SDAES) of the University of Lleida will be collaborating with us thanks to a Margarita Salas contract. As part of the program he will join our Advances in Photovoltaic Technology...
Doctoral Thesis Defense

Doctoral Thesis Defense

Today we have attended the defense of the doctoral thesis of our colleague Celia Outes, entitled “Desarrollo de nuevas arquitecturas de células solares verticales para ultra-altos niveles de concentración” and directed by Dr. Eduardo F. Fernández and Dr....