Project Title:

New Photovoltaic and Thermoelectric Concentrator Cell Architectures for the development of new generation hybrid modules.



Funding body:

Regional Government of Andalusia. Department of Knowledge, Research and University.


Andalusian Research Plan (2020-2023). R+D+i projects, universities and public research entities. Modality Challenges of the Andalusian society.





Energy is one of the great challenges facing society today. In this sense, solar energy, and in particular concentrating photovoltaic solar power, is set to play a key role in the energy mix in the coming years. Concentrating Photovoltaic (CPV) systems offer the highest efficiencies and are considered one of the most promising research avenues to achieve low-cost and environmentally friendly systems. The NACe-CPV/TE project aims to develop new architectures of concentrating photovoltaic cells and thermoelectric generators for the development of new generation hybrid modules with higher efficiency and lower cost than current CPV systems. The NACe-CPV/TE module will be based on new multi-band-gap solar cell designs, an optical system capable of concentrating light more than 2000 times and the development of a thermoelectric receiver to take advantage of the heat generated by the concentrated light. The ultimate goal of the project is to develop micro-concentrators with high efficiency, > 35%, working at ultra-high concentration factors (UH), Cratio> 2000 and costing less than 0.9 €/Wp.