The online workshop of the SOLAR-ERA.NET “ROM-PV” project, titled “Reducing the photovoltaic operation and maintenance (O&M) costs through an advanced online platform,” was successfully concluded on 8th of June 2023.
As a proud partner of the consortium, the Advances in Photovoltaic Technology (AdPVTech) of the University of Jaén, we extend our appreciation to all the participants who joined us from Cyprus, Spain, Greece, and various parts of the world. Your active engagement and valuable contributions have made this workshop a resounding success.
During the workshop, PV Technology, FOSS Research Centre for Sustainable Energy of the University of Cyprus, AdPVTech of the University of Jaén, and Alectris Hellas IKE presented their respective activities and the significant progress achieved within the ROM-PV project.
We recognize the importance of collaborative efforts in advancing the field of photovoltaics and enhancing the efficiency of operation and maintenance processes. Your attendance and involvement have undoubtedly contributed to the success of this project and the broader advancement of renewable energy.
The ROM-PV project is supported under the umbrella of SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund 2 by the Cyprus Research Innovation Foundation (RIF, P2P/SOLAR/0818/0009), the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness – State Research Agency (MINECO-AEI, PCI2019-111852-2) and the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT, Τ11ΕΡΑ4-00023). SOLAR-ERA.NET is supported by the European Commission within the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation HORIZON 2020 (Cofund 2 ERA-NET Action, N° 786483).