News and Events


This is AdPVTech’s blog, here you will find the latest news and events related with our group

Green Hydrogen Valley Project Inauguration

This week, the inauguration of a pioneering #olivoltaic plant took place as part of the Green Hydrogen Valley Project in Jaén, with the participation of the Universidad de Jaén (Advances in Photovoltaic Technology (AdPVTech)) and the Universidad de Sevilla, along with...

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Paper in is a platform that provides all actors in the agri-food chain, from producers to distributors, with access to useful information on post-harvest techniques and solutions that improve product quality and ensure profitability. Recently, Dr. Pedro Perez...

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PVPMC workshop

This August, Advances in Photovoltaic Technology (AdPVTech) was present at the 2024 European PVPMC Workshop, held in Copenhagen, Denmark. An event hosted by the DTU - Technical University of Denmark, Sandia National Laboratories and European Energy, which brought...

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Power for Earth

Power for Earth

📣📣We are delighted to announce also the start of the national project "PowerforEarth", focused on High Power Optical Transmission (#HPOT). This project, with a duration of 4 years (09/2024 - 08/2028), is led by researchers Florencia Almonacid Cruz and Eduardo F....

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EIC Pathfinder Project

EIC Pathfinder Project

📣📣Delighted to share the news of the award of the European Union (EU) project “High-efficiency high-power laser beaming in-space systems base don SiC (RePowerSiC)”, within the “EIC Pathfinder Challenge: In-space solar energy harvesting for innovative space...

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New Doctor in AdPVTech

📣📣 We have been disconnected for a while, but we are back! And we do so by sharing the news of our colleague María de los Ángeles Ceballos Pérez who has defended her doctoral thesis and successfully obtained the title of Doctor with International Mention. A great work...

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International Conference on Power from Space 2024

Could 24/7 solar power from orbit be the answer to the world's future energy challenges? 🌍🛰 It is with this question that the International Conference on Power from Space 2024, held at the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS), is presented. A high-level conference with...

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Green Hydrogen Valley

🌳 Green Hydrogen Valley of Jaén, where tradition is intertwined with technological advances. It is an initiative that seeks to revitalize the traditional olive grove and combat rural depopulation. The municipalities of the region of El Condado (Navas de San Juan,...

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SolarCrop, UJA spin-off

🎉 We are happy to announce the creation of SOLARCROP S.L., the spin-off of the Universidad de Jaén that merges photovoltaic technology and agriculture!AdPVTech researchers Dr. Eduardo F. Fernández, Dr. Florencia Cruz and Dr. Pedro Perez Higueras are the creators of...

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